The Portie Groom

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When you see a PWD that has what is termed “Lion Cut” coat many are very interested to know why someone would do that to their dog. Well, that coat shape is done for reasons specific to the breed and what it has been bred to do when working. Admittedly, it does look a bit strange when first viewed.

There are two cuts that are accepted when showing a PWD. The most popular and the most prevalent is the Lion Cut. The second accepted style is termed a “Retriever Cut.” This second style is more popular in Europe and the Lion Cut is more popular here in the US.

2 thoughts on “The Portie Groom”

  1. Great pictures. I would like to know the equipment you prefer and the number of the blade. Thank you, elaine

    1. Hello Elaine, First, lovely to have you visit Riptide PWDS site. Welcome. I am the web person and I will get with Melody and have her send you an email directly addressing your questions. Make sure to check out the rest of the site and also our FB which you can link to from the site.


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