It’s Royal Canin Time Again

Posted onCategoriesDog Conformation

Every December, there is a huge dog show in Orlando, Florida. From Tuesday through Friday there are cluster shows and then Saturday and Sunday is the Royal Canin National Dog. You might remember photos posted a while back of Rumour in the ring. Well, this year is Ellie’s turn. She has been practicing practicing practicing. Read More

Ellie is Legit

Posted onCategoriesTraining

Ellie officially is an AKC STAR Puppy! This was a great experience for Ellie. She was able to socialize with other people and dogs in a safe environment. She learned how to interact with good manners and managed to have some fun. I am so proud of her.

Ellie is one Star Puppy

Posted onCategoriesTraining

Puppies need more than just our love and affection. Having a puppy that is able to mature in to a well behaved dog means that the puppy human relationship will also prosper. Dogs that are “out of control” make having them in our homes with our families very difficult and stressful not only for us Read More

Fall in Love

Posted onCategoriesBuying a PWD

This winter I will be very busy! I cannot wait. Nope, not just with the comings and goings of the holidays, but I will also be snuggling with puppies. They will be ready to go home in the new year in January. Get ready for some Epic Eye Candy!!!

Continued Training

Posted onCategoriesUncategorized

A well trained and socialized Riptide portie puppy is a better Riptide portie. Puppies from the Belle Litter should now have had the first two sets of vaccines. These vaccines allow greater expanded socialization options. A great way to socialize your Riptide puppy is to enroll in a puppy training class at your local dog Read More