Ellie is one Star Puppy

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Puppies need more than just our love and affection. Having a puppy that is able to mature in to a well behaved dog means that the puppy human relationship will also prosper. Dogs that are “out of control” make having them in our homes with our families very difficult and stressful not only for us but also for the dog. This leads to so many surrenders or abuse of animals and it is all completely unnecessary and easily avoided.

Training begins at Riptide early. I use the Puppy Culture method with the pups at the first chance I can. When they go to your homes it is very important that training continues. This training is easy and also is a wonderful way for you and your new Riptide PWD to interact and have some fun.

Ellie and I attend Star Puppy (Designed for dogs 3-1/2-6 months old. Young pups will learn basic household commands and how to socialize with people and other puppies. You’ll learn about nutrition, grooming, housebreaking, and troubleshooting common problems) classes at a local dog training club here in Miami. If you do a search online I am certain that you will be able to find a class or two that you can attend with your puppy. However, just attending the class once a week is not enough. This training must continue a bit every day in your home. Consistency counts when it come to puppy learning curves.

Much information can be found on the AKC website or by watching some videos on Youtube or better yet, purchasing the Puppy Culture program and employing it in your own home.