Early Training with Puppy Culture

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I use a positive reinforcement method of training. Using harsh negatives will destroy many dogs. Building a positive relationship with your dog will lead to a much more rewarding future for you and your portie.

Having your portie have the ability to simply Wait is an essential behavior to begin building at an early age. This simple Wait behavior will allow for much easier and less stressful interactions between you and your portie.

What is the difference between Wait and Stay you might be asking. Well, Wait tells the dog that you want them to hold on for a minute and Stay implies a much longer wait that only you can release them from. The Stay is useful in dog sports like Obedience. A wait gives you a minute to put down their food bowl without being attacked or gives you time to exit the door with them coming out after you calmly. So, you can see the benefits of the wait behavior.

Training at feeding time is a great way to train this behavior. They are hungry and thus motivated.

The method of training that I use is the Puppy Culture program. I begin working with your puppy as soon as they are able until they go home with you. I encourage you to continue with this method of training. It will make your relationship with your puppy so much better. According to the Puppy Culture methodology, “The primary goal for young puppies is forming positive emotional connections. Obsessing about rules does not serve this purpose.” I support this philosophy.

In Puppy Culture, the sit/wait is taught slightly different. It is more of a “how to ask, when I am ready, for some kind of attention in a polite fashion” instead of a direct sit/wait behavior. They term the behavior, Manding.

Puppy Culture provides excellent videos that give you a step by step tool to provide you and your portie puppy with a great set up for the future. Take a look at this article on their website and then if you are convinced, as I was, click on the Puppy Culture icon below to purchase your set of videos.